Harley’s Beagle Blog March 2015
More thoughts from The Abingdon Collection
Hi fans, welcome to another report from the trenches.
Let’s start with an update on my best mate Dusty the Jack Russell. She arrived one year ago on the 17th March 2014 and I suppose she should have been called Paddy but she was rather dirty and dusty so the humans thought it a fitting name.
I suppose she was lucky cause at one stage she was going to be called Smelly. They tend to lack imagination when it comes to names.
She is in great form but maybe putting on a little too much weight. She is supposed to be on a diet but I don’t think she knows it yet.
Not much to report this month after the excitement of the Radio programme in February 2015… check out my great picture on the The John Toal Show website.

A few new collectable signs have gone up on the wall but the guy I own is having difficulty smuggling many new items past his wife.
We are expecting a busy spring with many new groups already booked and I hope that someone brings me something to eat… I am also on a diet but am finding it difficult.
My day never changes – I get up, go to the toilet, go back to bed, go to the toilet, walk about the yard, go for a walk, eat, play, chase Dusty, go to the toilet, sleep, eat, and then go to bed.
I suppose it’s not a bad life but I am four now and think that it is about time I got a real job.
Anyway, if you want to visit me phone him on 028 8224 3373.