Went The Day Well
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Those of us who like old black and white films may remember a well known British World War 2 propaganda film from 1942 called ‘Went The Day Well?’. This is an excellent film and I would strongly recommend looking it up.
Anyway, a few weeks ago Sam Carruthers from MG Owners’ Club Northern Ireland phoned me to see if I would provide a couple of MGs from The Abingdon Collection in Omagh to assist with the launch of a new MG franchise in Victoria Bridge, near Strabane, owned by Greg Mitchell Motors Ltd.
Now I do not normally provide cars for display in dealerships but because I know the owners family very well I jumped at the chance and agreed to provide the cars for two days. Anyone who drives an old MG will know that the best laid plans sometimes get scuppered by the famous mechanical curse.
I had originally intended taking down the 1953 MGTD and the 1968 MGC and had even booked the MGC in for it’s annual MOT the night before. Everything was fine until I drove the MGC to the petrol station, filled her up and drove home.
It started to sound like we were being attacked by machine gun fire as the MGC jolted and backfired up the road before grinding to a halt. Bad petrol I assumed, and after much cursing and deliberation I limped the car home, frightening rabbits, cows and small children as the car played out a concerto that any punk rock band would have been proud of.
Typical, a back firing MG which now refuses to start at all and lies resting in the garage. MOT cancelled, new coil, plugs, points, condenser and rotor arm fitted and the car runs perfect. The defective coil had caused the problem and just happened by chance after filling with petrol.
Anyway, too late to join the MGTD at the MG open day, so the trusty 1957 MGA Fixed head coupe’ was pulled into service and we eventually had the two MG’s positioned on the stand.
On the first night Rory Best, the Ireland rugby Captain and British and Irish Lion was the guest of honour and I have to say that he was excellent in the giving of his time to his many fans.
I provided a bit of the background on the history of MG and what the marque means to the true enthusiast. I also talked about the joys of club membership, the options of owning every conceivable piece of clothing with the MG logo on it, and the joys of sitting for hours in a wet field talking about, you guessed it, MGs.
‘Went the day well’. The new MG’s looked excellent, the club got great publicity and Rory had some fantastic shots taken in the MGTD.
On the unfortunately wet Saturday, hundreds visited and many asked for photographs in the classic MG cars which I duly obliged. The new logo and advertising for MG was stunning and I will definitely try to ‘borrow’ some for the Collection.
If you are in the West give Greg Mitchell Motors Ltd a call and try to link it to a visit to The Abingdon Collection.
Thanks Sam for the invitation, I enjoyed the experience and the hosts were excellent. Rory Best is well named as a gentleman who is willing to share his gifts with a wider audience and, as a very good personal friend of Greg Mitchell, did him proud over the two days.
Went the day well? It certainly did.
Philip Faithfull, The Abingdon Collection